Roles and obligations of Company officers and shareholders
Last updated on 23 October 2024
All business owners setting up company in Singapore have to understand the roles of the various officers and positions within their companies. Most are familiar with the terms “Directors”, “Managing Director” (MD) and “Chief Executive Officer” (CEO) in that these are people who are key management in their companies. It is crucial to recognise how these roles differ, as each plays a vital part in a company’s governance and operations.

When hiring foreign professionals to fill these positions, it is important to understand the work pass eligibility criteria for each role. The eligibility for work passes, depends on various criteria, including the individual’s qualifications, experience, salary, and the specific requirements set by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

Certain work pass holders, such as those on Work Permits and S Passes, are generally not allowed to hold a shareholder position under MOM regulations. The approval of work passes and any restrictions related to shareholder positions are subject to MOM’s discretion and applicable regulatory changes.
Please consult us for the latest MOM guidelines or professional advice for the most accurate and up-to-date information. For more information about work passes, click here.
Business services and accounting firms in Singapore are good resources to turn to if you are confused with any of the above. Those who provide incorporation services in Singapore can advise you on the requirements for starting a business in Singapore and regulatory compliance.
Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation regarding your business services needs.