
Latest changes to Employment Pass and S Pass requirements

Last updated on 23 August 2022

With effect from 1 September 2022, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has amended its requirements for new Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass applications. The move is aimed at ensuring good calibre personnel are hired and not due to them being cheaper than hiring locals. For renewal applications, the updated criteria will apply to passes expiring on or after 1 September 2023.

The updates to EP and S Pass requirements can be found in the tables below.

Updates to EP qualifying salary

The benchmark for the EP qualifying salary is based on the top one-third of local Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMET) wages, to ensure that EP holders are comparable in quality to the top one-third of local PMETs.

Updates to S Pass qualifying salary and levies

The benchmark for the cost of hiring an S Pass holder, which includes both the qualifying salary and levy, is based on the top one-third of local Associate Professionals and Technicians (APT) wages, to ensure that S Pass holders are comparable in quality to the top one-third of local APTs. The upcoming increase in the S Pass qualifying salary and levy is the first of three steps, to attain this benchmark.

Immigration Services Singapore

Companies providing application for work pass and immigration services in Singapore will be able to advise prospective applicants on working in Singapore. Service providers that offer hr and payroll services are also good resources to tap on for companies looking to hire foreigners as part of their staff.